Kings View Chambers have successfully appealed against the refusal of DH’s entry to medical school.
Universities have many different policies in place which are often not up to date or fit for purpose and even where universities who do have appropriate policies they are misunderstood or incorrectly applied.
Healthcare defence barrister, Catharine Stock from Kings View Chambers, commented:
“This case demonstrates the importance of working with us on any appeal as the legal framework is often a minefield to work through and understand.”
DH said of his case’s outcome:
“After having my offer to study Medicine rejected due to an incident on my records, I was delighted and relieved when my appeal was upheld, my offer to study Medicine at university was no longer rejected. Catherine Stock and the team at Kings View Chambers was very professional and worked very hard in putting together my appeal case.
After being rejected I was very stressed and worried, I felt I had been unfairly rejected by the university. I was not sure if I grounds for an appeal so I contacted Kings View Chambers via the message box on their website. Catherine Stock called me the next day to discuss the case and asked I send relevant documentation to find if I had a ground for an appeal. After the initial review Catherine was able to confirm I had grounds for an appeal.
Once I had agreed to go ahead with the appeal Catherine worked very closely with me to build up my appeal case. The whole process was made easy and less stressful thank to the team at Kings View Chambers. Thank you very much!”
Stephen McCaffrey
I am a GMC Defence Barrister who has represented large number of medical professionals before their regulatory bodies in either first instance proceedings or appeals. I can help with all matters relating to GMC Fitness to Practise Referrals issues including:
- GMC fitness to practise referrals
- GMC fitness to practise hearings
- Appeals against a MPTS Tribunal determination
- MPTS Interim Order hearings
- Appeals against a MPTS Interim Orders Tribunal determination
- Preparing your case before the Case Examiners
- Help with the decision of the Case Examiners
- Help with voluntary removal
- Registration advice
- Appeal against refusal of registration
- Restoration to the Register
- Investigation and disciplinary hearings at work
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- Police cautions
- DBS [Disclosure and Barring Service] issues

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