GMC Defence Barristers

Blog & News

The latest news on everything GMC related and blog posts from GMC Defence Barrister Stephen McCaffrey.

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What’s your view of Physician Associates?

What’s your view of Physician Associates?

Are they simply a cost effective way of helping to provide a service where there are issues in recruitment of doctors or are they part and parcel of essential reforms in an under pressure, underfunded NHS?

Doctor Avoids GMC Erasure

Doctor Avoids GMC Erasure

Understanding the GMC’s fitness to practise investigation process is key to meaningful engagement which, in turn, is key to better outcomes for doctors.

Doctor Avoids GMC Erasure

Doctor Avoids GMC Erasure

The doctor approached us very close to the original FtP listing in a matter which was, at that stage, almost inevitably going to lead to erasure by the MPTS.

GMC Appeals Explained

GMC Appeals Explained

Doctors can appeal GMC decisions relating to registration, licensing, restoration and revalidation, but legal advice is key to good outcomes.

GMC Interim Sanctions – Your questions answered

GMC Interim Sanctions – Your questions answered

GMC Interim Sanctions – Overview A General Medical Council (GMC) fitness to practise investigations can take many months, if not years.  Whilst doctors could continue to work unrestricted during a GMC investigation, they could be referred to an Interim Orders Tribunal...

“Zero tolerance of sexual harassment” – GMC

“Zero tolerance of sexual harassment” – GMC

The General Medical Council (GMC) placed specific emphasis on its “zero tolerance of sexual harassment” in the updated Good medical practice that, for the first time, includes a “clear definition of what constitutes it and an expectation that doctors who see such...