Sep 27, 2019 | Case Study
FollowFollowFollowFollow GMC Defence Barristers’ lead counsel Catherine Stock has successfully argued for the lifting of a suspension order for a doctor accused of dishonestly. Dr B qualified in 2005 from the University of London and from 2007 specialised in...
Sep 27, 2019 | Case Study
FollowFollowFollowFollow GMC Defence Barristers’ lead counsel Stephen McCaffrey achieve yet another case closed for doctor facing multiple allegations of fraudulent dishonesty. The Case At the time of the alleged dishonestly, Dr W worked part-time at an independent...
Sep 27, 2019 | Case Study
FollowFollowFollowFollow GMC Defence Barristers’ lead counsel Stephen McCaffrey has secured no case to answer at the close of the GMC case. Dr C qualified in 2000 and, prior to the events which were the subject of the hearing, Dr C was working as a Locum Sessional GP...